Case Study #1:
The Advocate Newsletter

By Patty Jurado and Robin Kantor

Nicole Plath of NJ Land Title Association at the 2016 NJ Ad Club Jersey Awards ceremony.

Client problem: The client wanted to connect with her audience, build advertising sponsorships and grow circulation. Previous editions were uninspiring and difficult to read. The client was looking for a new and innovative layout; an overhaul of their newsletter. Continue reading “Case Study #1:
The Advocate Newsletter”

The Influence of Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is here to stay

The three-dimensional interactivity simulation is continually evolving and increasingly becoming part of our lives.

The popularity of VR applications for mobile devices has really taken off over the past couple years. The price point for VR is becoming more and more accessible. VR hardware sales have skyrocketed in a short amount of time. Many major companies have increased spending on VR research for future hardware and software endeavors. Continue reading “The Influence of Virtual Reality”