By Patty Jurado and Robin Kantor

Client problem: The client wanted to connect with her audience, build advertising sponsorships and grow circulation. Previous editions were uninspiring and difficult to read. The client was looking for a new and innovative layout; an overhaul of their newsletter.
Newark Trade’s solution: To provide a strong visual layout and a new logo that would match the elegance and professionalism of its content; engaging readers and keeping them wanting more each month.
Newark Trade’s process to implement solution: We developed a brand for the newsletter, new logo, layout and photography. We established a beautiful, professional and engaging design that keeps users visually interested in the content. Each of the sections is clearly defined in an easy-to-read format. The images are dynamic and effective, encouraging readers to check out each issue.
Success of final result: Advertisement and circulation growth increased the number of pages from 28 to 40 pages. Newark Trade successfully designed and branded the newsletter, provided printing, mailing and a digital version for their website as well. Advertisers appreciate that readers retain each issue as an informational resource, affording their promotion continued exposure. The newsletter’s new design has earned an award from the NJ Ad Club. The Advocate is now considered more than a newsletter in the NJ land title industry.